Last night I had such a tender moment with my niece. She just turned 11, and is far beyond that mentally and physically. She's in the 6th grade this year. Her best boy friend in her school is moving to Los Angeles, and today was his last day of school. She found out last night when he texted her to let her know. (Can you believe kids that young text already too? Crazy!) She was devastated. I watched as her little heart broke at the thought of losing her best friend, and one that I believe she has a bit of a crush on. She came in to tell me and we shared a piece of the flan I made for dessert, as I let her talk and cry about it all. I tried to make her laugh, but also gave her the space to cry and feel sad. Gosh, what's it going to be like when she's 16 and someone really breaks her heart!?! I don't know if I'll be able to handle that! lol I know, I'm only her Auntie...but we spend a LOT of time together and I love her soooo much! She stays here a lot as her Momma is working and going to school right now. I treasure the time I get with her, and know that I'll look back on it one day and really be thankful for those moments. I hope that she too looks back one day and remembers our time together fondly.
Larr and I made dinner together yesterday as we had my cousin and her boyfriend over. I made my chicken enchiladas, spanish rice, smashed beans, and a salad. For dessert I made a creamy caramel flan. It actually turned out beautiful and delicious. It wasn't your typical spanish flan, it was a cross between flan and cheesecake. Larr doesn't like an eggy custardy texture, so I thought maybe with the cream cheeses added, he'd like it more. It worked! Turned out great. I was stressing about turning it over and all of it coming out at the same time without breaking, but thankfully it all went smoothly. It was a great dinner. Great company is always nice. I am so thankful for the family I have been blessed with! Truly I don't know where I'd be without them! I'm a very lucky girl!
It's been 2 months since my Dad died. Part of me feels like it's been a year, and then part of me feels like it happened yesterday. It's a strange thing. Some days I don't think about him at all. Some days I think about him a lot and wonder all sorts of things. I wonder if he's in heaven? I know he believed in God, I know he had moments of wanting to be that "good christian", I just know that it takes more than just being a good person, or even that everyone else wanted him to go there. Did he ask forgiveness? Did he do what is asked of him? I hope so. I truly hope that one day I will see him again in the image of God, the person I always wanted him to be. I hope he is there to meet me as I enter heaven. I would hate to think he went anywhere else. I worry about my younger half-siblings. I feel like I'm so hopeless in their situation.. Thank God they have an older sister from their Mom that was able to take them in and file for guardianship of them. If Larr and I were in a different situation completely, I would've done anything for them. I know they're good kids. Just when we can barely get by on our own as it is, it doesn't leave anything to take care of anyone else. Ugh.... if only money didn't rule the world!
Looking forward to these next few months. This really is my favorite time of year. October is special as it's our Anniversary month, and it'll be 17 years this year! Where did the time go?? Aren't I too young to be married 17 years??? lol Yeah, dream on! Halloween is always fun. My nieces and nephews always come over so I get to see them all, and passing out candy to all the little kids, is one of my most favorite things to do! The little kids are always just sooo cute!! November is Thanksgiving. We'll be taking a weekend getaway sometime during the month. All the wonderful pumpkin desserts! I can never get enough pumpkin desserts! Christmas has always, and will always be one of the best days around here! My Mom is a kid herself, so she LOVES everything about the holiday! Decorating is always crazy around here as well. January brings lot's of Bdays (mine and Larrs included). I love being able to dress in warm clothes, and boots. We don't get very much cold weather here so what little we do get, I try to enjoy (unless it's just way too cold, then I'm miserable lol). Good times coming.
Looking forward to this weekend. My Mom and I will do our weekly ritual tomorrow. Go to our 2 thrift stores, which is always fun. You never know what you're going to find, but almost always something fantastic. I seem to get lucky most weeks as if I go with something in mind that I want...I will usually find it. Afterwards we'll probably head to lunch, and from never knows. We could head home then, or my Mom may have 14 other things planned as well. You just never know with her. All I do know, is that whatever we do, we always have fun!
I absolutely love your blog... one suggestion!!! When you make these delish things for dinner & desert add a pic & recipe for me!!! I wanna make diff things too :)
ReplyDeleteI keep asking myself how I am going to handle it when lou lou bee turns 16 and "Tommy" breaks her heart & makes her cry... what's a momma to do? Why call her friend Ree of course :) <3
You know, everyone always makes fun of me when I pull the camera out, but I will, for you! =) I do wish I had gotten a pic of my flan, it was quite pretty. lol I'll put together a few of my faves, and send them in my next letter. I like trying new things as the staples need rotation from boredom!
ReplyDeleteHoney, you can always call! I came in my bedroom after putting my niece in bed and cried as my heart was breaking for her. I know the whole heart breaking thing will come one day....oh if we could just save them from it! <3