Saturday, November 6, 2010
Letters To God
You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. II Corinthians 3:3NIV
I watched the movie Letters To God tonight. It was long, it was sad, it was cute, it was sad, and did I mention it was sad? However, it was beautiful as well. It leaves you with a lot of emotions and feelings. I think if I had seen this when it was released...I probably would have walked away with completely different feelings. I probably would've been so angry with God that He could allow all of that to happen. Why children, why cancer, why, why why??? It would've been easy to blame God, and walk away feeling I was right to be angry. Instead tonight, I walk away with a completely different take. I still feel like why children, and why cancer...but I also know that it's not my place to ask why. God does what He does, because He already KNOWS all the answers. I have to remember that it isn't about how it made ME feel. I have to remember that there is a reason for everything. Here's this little boy that is dying from cancer, yet with his incredible faith and love...he shows a town (and the world) that there is love, and there is a God! With his prayers in letter form he touches many lives. Funny how such a simple act of writing a letter to God could touch SO many people! It's ALWAYS the little things in life that add up to the BIGGEST heart changers.
Larr says I have a giant heart. He says it's one of the most beautiful things about me. I have always thought of it as a curse. I can cry over commercials, and I have. I can't go see certain movies at the theater because I know I'll bawl like a baby and trust me, there is NO hiding the fact that I have cried! I get the biggest, reddest, glow in the dark green eyes you have ever seen when I cry. Trust me, it is not pretty. I don't just watch a movie, I FEEL a movie. I fall in love with characters and my heart breaks when theirs does too. I know, it's ridiculous, but it's me. I finally found a character in a movie that I related to. Kind of funny how well I related to her...May Boatwright in 'The Secret Life of Bees' (w/ Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Alicia Keyes, and Sophie Okonedo) Aside from the fact that she had a few issues of her own...she felt the pain of others. I know, it probably sounds corny but I felt like finally I found someone like myself! Of course then she goes and dies on me...but that's beside the point. lol I am learning to accept that I feel SO much for others. I am okay with all the pain my heart feels for others. I know that there is a reason for it all. I don't know what that reason is yet...but maybe if I write my own letter to God, He'll answer me.
Just a few things I find pretty awesome about God:
1) That no matter what IDIOTIC things I do....He will ALWAYS love and ALWAYS forgive me.
2) That He's held EVERY tear I've ever cried in the palm of His hand. (He must have really BIG hands because boy have I cried a LOT of tears!!)
3) That if you ask, you shall receive. I asked at 14 that He give me my hearts desire and let me marry Larry. Twenty-two years later, Larry & I have been married for 17 years!!
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OOh dear! :( I *knew!* he was going to die! :( :( My goodness, I cannot watch this anytime soon! I wanted to see it in the theater, as I know the film-makers' past works (have you seen Flywheel & Facing the Giants? I purposely didn't watch the firefighter one!)... but I was in a stressed out place, and felt, huh. Right. I'm in the 'mood' for a great film, but not an emotionally-wretching film that is going to leave me absolutely DEVASTED! :( Like you, I absorb myself right plumb smack into the film, become the characters and feel everything they feel... I always thought that was the point? Hmm.. Thanks for sharing your take on this film. When I reach a point where life allows some deep emotional films back into my life, this IS the film I'll start with! :) Is the Secret Life of Bees wretchingly emotional as well? I had that in my hand once this year, but wondered if I made the mistake!? I've been keeping myself pinned to laugh-out-loud comedies and dramas that do not overtly affect me at the moment! No Family Stone's, No Notebooks, No Time Traveller Wives, etc!