Monday, December 20, 2010

Faith, Family, Friends

Faith~ I have been blessed beyond the imaginable with my faith, and belief in God. When you see the love of God so strong in someones every action, and the amount of happiness they have regardless of the storms they are facing. You want to have a piece of that. A friend planted a seed that was longing to grow in my heart, and I found that lost relationship with Jesus Christ that I had given up on long ago. We found a church that we love and call home. We love our pastor which was a big thing to us after the past we've had with pastors. We know we're in the right place and I'm lucky for second (and third) chances. (Thank you Maria for being such an incredible witness in your everyday walk, and showing me unconditional love.)

Family~ I cannot tell you how lucky I feel to have been born into the family I have! I don't think I could love a group of girls (and one very special boy) any MORE than I love my Grandma, Mom, Sisters, Nieces, Aunts, my Cousin, and that one very, very special boy. Losing my uncle, aunt, and dad really put into perspective how little time we have with some people. Nothing is guaranteed You could be like my aunt, who lived for 93 years, married for over 70 years, or you could go at the age of 57 like my dad. Never take for granted that you have tomorrow. Say what you have to say today. If you have someone to apologize to, do it now. If you have someone to tell you love them, do it now. There are so many things that I wish I could have sat down and talked about with my dad, so many things I wish we could have said. I'm eternally grateful for my sisters and brothers he gave me.

Friends~ I've gained some, I've lost some, and I've gained some back. I don't know how I would've gotten through May, June, and July without my best friend. She was there to listen, let me cry, vent, scream, and totally break down. I'm so thankful for that.
I had a rough year staying in touch with most of my friends. I've gotten over the hump of depression and am now on meds and doing really good. I found my love for all of my hobbies again and my love for writing so I'm extra thankful to my friends that have stuck by me through it all. I'm looking forward to another year of friendship and to a year of all around happiness for everyone.