Wednesday, December 29, 2010

An End to 2010

I used to wish for rain. Rain meant hot cocoa, warm clothes, and wintry days. Now rain means I won't be taking my walk, and that really annoys me. Go away, rain!

I decided on December 4th that I was going to start seriously walking every morning, or at least Monday-Friday. I've had 3 days that I couldn't walk at all due to rain. In 3 weeks I've walked 91 miles. When I started my goal was 45 miles for the month, but after passing that so quickly I thought it would be really cool to hit 100 miles for the month. So we shall see where I land. Hopefully the rain lets up by tomorrow morning.

Christmas was perfect. All the people that I love (minus Chris and Chey) were there. Our morning started at 4:30am here. We got into our stockings at 5am as we figured it was okay to wake Char then. After stockings we opened our gifts. We at at 5pm when Laura and her family came over. We had turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, gravy, cranberries, and rolls. Afterwards we had the not so traditional pies such as: peach, blackberry, and strawberry rhubarb. Yum!

Harley and Willow opened their gifts after dinner. I think they were both very happy with what they got! I'm loving my new punching bag! My Christmas was amazing. I was so blessed. I got a stand (for my punching bag)and speed bag! I've wanted this set up for a long time now. I can't believe I finally got it! My mom is the best. She even let me put it up in her room right now as it's too big to go inside my room. It's funny how therapeutic the bag can be! Imagine your troubles and go to town! My mom makes Christmas unlike anything else. She always has. She's pretty amazing!

There's only 2 more days left of 2010. I can honestly say I am glad to say goodbye to this year. Bring on a fresh start, with a fresh new year. So much hurt and pain in 2010. I'm believing in a good year! I'm going into it with a whole new healthy aspect all the way around. Mind, Body, and Spirit. I'm actually in a good place in all three areas.

Some of my resolutions, or as I like to call them....some of my goals for the new year are:

~To increase my walk to 10 miles a day 5 times a week by mid March. I'm at 5 1/2 miles seven days a week right now, so to double that by March should be reasonable.

~To attend church more regularly. At least once a week, preferably twice a week.

~To become a better friend. I got so wrapped up in my own life that I neglected friendships. I don't ever want to do that again, and I'm thankful for second chances.

There are more, but those are just a few. I'm aiming to make 2011 a productive year. I'm dreaming again, I'm hoping again, and I have a positive and bright outlook again.

~May you have the Happiest of New Years!!!

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