Thursday, February 10, 2011

So I'm having one of those crazy manic days. So far I've decided to change my look and style. It's something I've always wanted to do, but never really had the guts to do it. I have no idea why now all of a sudden I have the guts...but like I said, I'm having a crazy day. I even chopped off hair to make bangs. I always HATE having bangs after the first day! lol fits into my new look, and so far I like them. It is of course the first day though. So we shall see how that one goes. The tell-tale sign is of course if they're pinned back in 2 days....I HATE them and wish I hadn't cut them. If they're still on my forehead, we're doing good. lol
I had Larr take a picture of me with my old pants (capri's) in front of me, and one of me without them...and I can't believe the difference!!
So these used to be mine, and YES I actually WORE them. I pretty much fit into one leg now!
This is me now. I still have 43 pounds to go, but I'm happy with where I'm at so far. Amazing what a little hard work and effort will do for you!
   I have a 5K coming up in March that we're doing for Chelsea King. She was a teenager that was abducted locally and killed. This is in honor of her as she was on the track team at her highschool and loved running. We'll be walking it as I learned running and I are just not friends. That's walking works for me. Not so fast that I look like those people that speed-walk professionally. They look funny to me. I can't help but laugh when I see them so there is no way I could actually do that in public. I will just stick to my 14 minute miles and working on getting a little faster than that. I'm looking forward to the 5K. I've followed the story since the beginning and then became part of trying to get Chelsea's Law passed here in California.
   I have been spending a lot of time at the library lately. I got a new card and can't seem to get enough books. That's a problem, as I LOVE books. Only I can't read EVERYTHING I check out in the time I'm given. You think I could learn to be less selfish and leave behind what I know I can't read now...but so far that hasn't worked. I'm still trying to fit them in! lol Like I said, the card is new so the novelty of being able to check out as many books as I want will wear off. Sometime. Right? lol Of all the books I checked out, wouldn't it figure that the one I'm reading now is the one I got from the children's section (you will appreciate that, Marjorie), it's The Secret Garden. I love it and when I saw it I couldn't pass it up, nor could I start another before I finish it. Who know's which will be next.


  1. I do, actually, because I often find that those are the books I lean towards the most, next to inspirational fictions. Have you checked out any of Deanne Gist's novels yet!? Trust me. Their addictive too. Ooh about that need to check out everything at once... 2 years running (nearly) and I am *sort of* not doing that as much as I was. Laughs. I LOVE your hair & look! Wow. Now if I can get a 'before and after' like that I'd seriously be happy! And, here I was celebrating losing five pounds! :O

    I need to read the Secret Garden myself... but its one of those books I own that I wanted to read the copy of. I'll explain why in my letter... coming at you quite soon!

    *hugs* and very chuffed I made your 'blog!'

  2. You definitely have to celebrate the 5 pounds! It turns into 10, and so on!! Always celebrate the little things as they will carry you to the big things!
    I haven't yet looked at Dean Gist's novels, but will get around to it. I got on a Christian Fiction kick last time I was there, plus I have The Secret Garden. I have to remember that I can go back anytime I want and can check these books out then too. lol I'm still learning what is realistic and what's not. =)
    Thanks for the compliment. I'm happy with the progress I've made.
    Looking forward to your letter.

  3. Start with "A Bride in the Bargain", then "Beguiled". Trust me. It shows her versatility! I own both now, as well as a third I hadn't heard about before... guess who is selling them at bargain prices? Books-A-Million! They are my 'new' source for nice looking trade paperbacks but without the 'new' price attached to the books! :) Ooh, I am celebrating... trust me. Sometimes I just get woeful about it all. I need to get on the bike and then, I'll feel better about my progresses! :) I just haven't felt up to excerising this week... :/ I had forgotten to mention, half the time I look up newly acquired romances, they end up being inspirationally inclined! I always found that a bit interesting! :)

    Your quite welcome for the compliment! You definitely deserve it!

    ps: We're more alike than you think when it comes to libraries! :O
